EFRAG Sustainability Standards are here: Preparing your organization to be regulatory ready

30 November - 10.00 am EST | 3.00 pm GMT

The imminent enforcement of the new EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) requires more than 50,000 companies to report on their sustainability impacts, risks, and opportunities by 2024 - according to the new EFRAG European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).
This will pile pressure on organizations to streamline and professionalize their ESG strategy, governance and data at speed.


  • CSRD and ESRS implementation: timelines and next steps
  • What are the new requirements ESRS introduces?
  • What will the EU Commission do next?
  • How to prepare your organization to be regulatory ready.


Giulia Genuardi

Giulia Genuardi

Member of the EFRAG TEG

See profile
Elena palomeque

Elena Palomeque Pozas

European Commission


Donato Calace

SVP of Accounts & Innovation at Datamaran

See profile