Datamaran to Collaborate with Deloitte in Three European Markets

Deloitte to use Datamaran software to support clients in the Netherlands, Italy, and Belgium amid increasing sustainability requirements

LONDON and AMSTERDAM, Dec. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ – Datamaran, a leading ESG software provider, today announced a strategic collaboration with Deloitte in three European markets to support more companies in assessing their sustainability impacts and objectives.

Under the agreement, Deloitte will use Datamaran’s double-materiality analysis (DMA) software for clients in Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium, to monitor their sustainability risk factors and meet compliance demands. DMAs, used by companies to gauge their impact on natural and human resources as well as financial performance, are a required part of the European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which began to take effect this year.

“Companies everywhere are grappling with how to handle new regulatory requirements around sustainability,” said Datamaran Founder and Chief Executive Officer Marjella Lecourt-Alma. “We’re thrilled to be collaborating with the largest of the Big Four professional-services networks to enable more C-Suite executives and their trusted consultants to hit the mark complying with legislation using our market-leading, data-driven software.” 

Datamaran’s software platform allows clients to monitor over 400 external risk factors, and its database of 9,000 companies lets customers easily benchmark themselves, set targets, and achieve the best outcomes to drive efficiency and profitability.

“Working together with Datamaran gives us first-in-class tools to provide our clients with actionable insights and analysis to achieve their sustainability goals,’’ said Senior Sustainability Partner Wim Bartels from Deloitte Netherlands. “Together, Datamaran and Deloitte will leverage our combined expertise so clients can confidently navigate the complex landscape of ESG reporting and compliance.’’

The CSRD reporting directive is the most significant sustainability legislation to date, compelling 50,000 companies to disclose, track and measure their ESG performance alongside their annual financial reporting. CSRD, which goes into effect for the largest companies in the 2024 reporting year, calls for the disclosure of more than 1,000 data points across the value chain on ESG metrics from pollution to water consumption to biodiversity.

About Datamaran
Datamaran is the leading software analytics platform that identifies and monitors external risks, including ESG. In addition to being trusted by blue-chip companies and top-tier partners, it has been recognized as best practice by the European regulator EFRAG for bringing a data-driven business process for materiality analysis and risk monitoring in-house. Datamaran's patented technology offers real-time analytics on strategic, regulatory, and reputational risks, specific to your business and value chain. Learn more at

See how Datamaran can help you

Datamaran is the only software in the world that provides a fully automated solution for identifying and monitoring material ESG risks and opportunities. It provides leaders with a clear understanding of the ESG risk landscape, enabling them to create data-driven strategies in-house with confidence.Datamaran helps leaders lead by showing them the way forward.

Datamaran’s patented and award-winning technology offers real-time analytics on strategic, regulatory and reputational risks, specific to your business and value chain.

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